It’s a Start
While we are continuing to work on Tal’s Basketball Scholarship she seems to develop her own interests.
The rest of us have decided to work on the mundane so we moved to the Virgin Islands where we will be for the next 3 month.
Pray for us
Fathers Day 2009 St John USVI
[Click here to see it]
Seems that Tal is into eating now, eating anything and everything.
Unfortunately though to her mother’s dismay it is everything, anything, as long as it is not an actual food item. So tables, sofas, plates, remote controls. Nothing, nothing escapes her 2 sharp teeth especially Cell Phones.
Cell phones are her absolute favorite food.
Must be an Israeli gene
***Which finger should it be?
Tal’s biggest concern in life is which finger should she suck. Usualy the left thumb wins placing here clearly to the left. Some times though the right thumb takes over.
At times she doesn’t settle for thumbs only and goes for the full house right and left, not to mention the toes.
I guess that will make her an undecided…
Click here for the Fingers gallery
Click here to order prints at Costco
Solidly into solids.
Well… maybe not quite that solid but we are making an effort :)
Tal continues to grow. The new thing now is the high chair and Solids! She is happy with the chair. As far as the Rice Cereals though, looks like she knows better.
Can’t fool this girl.
Click here for the solids gallery
Cuter by the minute.
Tal is growing like a weed and getting cuter by the minute. She is becoming more and more interactive, smiles often and tolerates our adventurous travel life style incredibly.
So far she flew 23 times and visited some 12 states
You go girl!
Still Growing…
Nothing seems to stop Tal’s desire to close the weight gap between the two of us. Besides putting on these onces her inquisitive eyes are discovering the world. She gives it her serious look, wrinkle her forehead as she tries to figure it all out.
Having an Occupational Therapist for a mom she doesn’t escape some interactive toy playing sessions. Her sweet revenge though comes from discovering the “you can’t put me down” game. So in the last few days we [“We”] walk around like a Kangaroo, carrying her in the baby pouch all day long. Must be the effect of our Ozzy relatives.
The new thing in the house now is the Bus! Given our family size now we started working on a “Bus” project. It started with the idea of getting a VW camper bus so we could all travel together. It continues to evolve in the Weitz way so now we are looking into the Vixen 21TD. Stay tuned
Actively Growing!
Tal had a great week, she is busy growing. She is starting to stretch her nights some and being the social baby that she is she express her thoughts when left on her own while awake. Of course being the tough parents that we are, we immediately attend to her needs as that is sure to make her unspoiled.
Last week we took her to the Experimental Aircrafts Association convention in Lakeland Florida Sun and Fun, her first air show, she loved it!.
Visit the third week gallery here. Yes it is a salad bowl
We had a great visit to the pediatrician and she is growing well, 21 inches! We are starting to look for a Basketball scholarship!
***An awesome baby!
Tal continuous to be a truly awesome baby, she keeps eating like a champ. She is has a happy calm being, mostly she is relaxed and letting her eyes explore the world her beloved Giraffe and the Fishes and Boats book [got a start them young]
The other day we took her to the Pub [O’Malley’s] . We started her on somewhat lighter brew and she seemed pleased
You might want to visit here second week gallery here.
D only obvious question now is where did she get those eyes from?!?
***Day 3
A truly Zen baby. She is doing fantastic, mostly chillin unless she is hungry or wet, then she let her thoughts be known.
She was officially named today Tal Ofra Weitz
We gained another 2 Oz!
***Like a champ.
Pretty amazing how in one day she learned how to breath sneeze eat and poop and be so successful in all of it.
We gained 2 Oz today!
She has arrived.
3/27/07 1:05pm 6lb 15oz 19 inches
Its a start…
[Click here to see Tal’s Birth]