Back to the Future · 3658 days ago

Back to the Future.

Lately I am getting more and more interested in B&W photography. I got a few film cameras to add to the collection including a Medium Format Mamiya RZ67 and a Large Format Combo Legend

I also got Darkroom gear and started setting up the mechanical room with a second role as a darkroom with red light, curtains, the works. Not sure where this will go but the process have started.

Not to leave the Digital World deprived I am working on HDR and got really interested in Monochromatic HDR [B&W HDR].

Yesterday we went to the Brattleboro First Friday Art Walk . Turned out [Surprisingly…] that I am not the only artist in VT so I was inspired by the Vermont Center for Photography the In-Sight Photography Project and found out that just near us in Winhall there is an expert in Large Format cameras Richard Ritter

Looks like there is a future in my back walking.

