You never know what effect the pictures you take may have, as if they take a life of their own once your finger pushed the trigger.
Sheryl, after seeing my Guatemala pictures decided that Antigua Guatemala is where she need to go for her Spanish school. Myself after couple of weeks of empty house decided that there is where I should go too.
There wasn’t a lot of Spanish learning at the end but we sure had a lot of fun, eating at the fanciest of Antigua restaurants and traveling the breath taking lake Atitlan.
At the lake we stayed at Hotel Isla Verde and yes we took some pictures.
You never know.
Visit the Guatemala 2006 Galery
***The decision was tough.
Following meeting with Einar Enevoldson at the Oshkosh EAA convention [Enevoldson and Fossett Soaring Altitude World Record] I was inspired to add a sailplane rating to my private pilot certificate.
The options were to go the soaring center in Arizona or fly to Hawaii and get training in Dillingham Airfield at Oahu north shore.
The decision was tough indeed, requiring a long 2 second family Pow Wow at the end of which we were the proud owners of pair of air tickets to Honolulu.
Click here for the Hawaii trip gallery
If thats was not enough Click Here for our Youtube video Gallery
Wouldn’t ride it…
For some reason Tal would not ride the motorcycle. I am not sure exactly why given that it is a pretty nice one, never the less, we had to find a new mode of travel.
We looked at several different options and a class A motorhome seemed to be the glove that fit.
It drives it self, it has a bathroom, a kitchen, a fridge and you can change as many diapers in it as you wish.
We looked at several makes and the Foretravel surfaced as the best one out there , We combed the internet and located one in West Virginia. 5 days ago day we flew to WV and picked it up.
The obvious first destination was Oshkosh WI for the EAA convention . as for the next destination , stay tuned the Weitz Mobile is on the lose.
***When it was time to get into the water we traveled to Dominica, a small island in the eastern Caribbean, just a few miles from Martinique to the south and Guadeloupe to the north.
The island’s official name is the Commonwealth of Dominica, which is mostly referenced in official communiqué and to distinguish the island from its northerly Caribbean sister, the Dominican Republic.
The island is sparsely populated with around 70,000 people inhabiting its 289.5 square miles. Dominica is referred to as the Nature island of the Caribbean. Tropical forest coats two thirds of the island, with some 1200 plant species. Rivers, lakes, streams, and waterfalls, fed by the islands high annual rainfall. Its volcanic physique points to extensive geothermal activity above and below sea level.
***All I really wanted was a good steak.
For years I heard of Argentina, the land of the mighty Asado as the best place in the world for this carnivorous pleasure.
I wasn’t really sure what Asado actually meant, I heard of some meat being grilled slowly, buried with charcoal overnight, really I had no idea. I knew it was good and I knew I had to have it.
Being that the Argentinean economy collapsed in 2001 the prices in “Paris of South America” fell from the previous stratosphere to the ground so I booked a flight.
Buenos Aires was great and the Asado, the ASADO was awesome! I am not sure if it is the free roaming caws [happy caws taste better?], the way they grill it, the wine that comes with it or the $3.00 price tag for a hunk of prime Lomo or Bife de Corizo. Be that as it may – I got my money worth.
Since a man can not leave on beef alone [really?] I also went traveling some.
For the first week I flew down to Patagonia’s El Calafate and visited
For the second week I flew to the Northwest Andeans, stayed in Salta, rented a car and traveled to:
If I thought National Route 51 was challenging, Route 40 really separates the men from the boys. The men from the boys or almost the frame from the body of the little Corsica I was given, courtesy of Hertz Rent a Car, to practice enduro riding on tiny four wheels.
Now that I survived the chalanges of the rods, tasted the beuty of this vast country and gained 10lb confirming that Asado is indeed the best steak in the world, I am tempted to travel here in a better, safer and more complete way. I am tempted to travel the length of mighty “Nacional Ruta 40” from the Bolivian border to Tiera Del Fuego the right way, riding it on two wheels…
***I have started to build my web gallery. Most of my stuff is on film so it will probably take me a few hundred years to move it to digital.
I scanned the Guatemala Trip slides and built the first album to display it. The gallery is using Flash to display the images. You can navigate the gallery using the mouse at the left or right of the large image, click on the thumbnails, or move using the keyboard arrows. Check it out .
***Maine is one of my absolute favorites; traveling the coast, hanging out in Portland, munching on the local seafood, and the Lobstah especially the Lobstah.
So for my Birthday Sheryl got us a place in a small fishing village, Port Clyde ME.
Lobsters, midnight candles on lighthouse beach, J’s